Shari and Marcello talk about how to use Instagram for your business. They discuss how to build a following, use of hashtags, content ideas, & other Instagram strategy. Shari has created multiple, successful Instagram accounts including the @PushPullSales account that led to Tom Hopkins coming on the show!
Interview with Louie La Vella – Entertainment Branding Expert (ep. 40)
Louie La Vella is a former music TV host who has become an entertainment branding expert. Louie crafts social marketing & branding strategies that result in hugely successful events, concerts, & festivals. The tools & experience that Louie uses in the music industry easily translate to other industries. Listen to this episode with Shari & Louie to make your next event a great success.
Interview with Henry Geddes – Professional Photographer & Creator of Chatlight (ep. 37)
Henry Geddes is the creator of Chatlight, which is an affordable lighting tool to help make your livestreams, photos, & other images look more professional. He is a professional photographer who was looking to bring a simple solution to the mass market – businesses & individuals who were livestreaming & taking smartphone photos in poor lighting conditions. Shari & Henry discuss what goes into taking a great picture, & how that can affect your overall brand.
Interview with Dinesh K – Founder, Mentor, Speaker, Entrepreneur (ep. 36)
Dinesh K is a founder, mentor, speaker, & entrepreneur who has been involved in over 13 companies. He encourages people to ask the right questions, navigate difficult decisions, & seek out tough answers in order to transform your business. Shari & Dinesh talk about a variety of issues facing companies & individuals.
10 Expert Tips for Facebook Advertising
I feel honored to be quoted on the HubSpot blog in this piece: Facebook Advertising Advice: 10 Tips from Experts at Trello, WeWork, & More. I am a huge fan of the HubSpot blog, & the consistently great content that they provide; & I am very excited to have Push Pull Sales & Marketing quoted alongside big names like Hootsuite, Santander, WeWork, Sprout Social, & Trello.
You can read the full post here.…
Interview with Nick Raithel – Creator of The 7-Hour Book (ep. 32)
In this episode, Marcello speaks with Nick Raithel, the creator of The 7 Hour Book. Nick created this service to help professionals get their voice out into the marketplace, share their ideas, & establish themselves as experts in their field. The goal of The 7 Hour Book is to have you put in some time through Skype calls, & then they do the rest for you – creating, publishing, & promoting your book.
How to be Heard in a Noisy World
Over 4 billion Facebook messages are posted each day. Now do you understand why your Facebook page engagement is down? There is so much competition, & more & more content gets created every minute of every day. People cannot possibly consume every piece of content that might be relevant to them, but that doesn’t mean that we should just give up & toss in the towel…
There are many ways to still be heard & have an online presence. There are many ways to find & engage with your audience. There are many ways to be successful despite all of the competition.
Why I’m Loving Medium
I mentioned Medium briefly in a recent blog post (Create Less. Distribute More.), but I’d like to dive a little deeper into this platform. I have been enjoying Medium as both a content creator & consumer, which is not always an easy thing to accomplish.
If you are not already familiar with Medium, it was created by Twitter co-founder Evan Williams & has become a tool used by many writers, businesses, & publications. The best way to understand Medium is to simply sign up & start browsing. It is clean & simple with a great user experience, but there are plenty of other reasons that Medium has won me over……
Interview with Richard Shaw – Founder of (ep. 29)
Shari speaks with Richard Shaw in this episode where they discuss many of the variables in business & startups. Richard is the founder of & has a very research & numbers-based approach to helping businesses, In this episode, he shares that unique perspective with us. He reminds us that we should not just be taking shots in the dark when it comes to our business, & Richard has great methods of collecting & using data to your advantage.
Create Less. Distribute More.
Everyone is burnt out on both sides of the content equation. As content consumers, we are burnt out. As content creators, we are burnt out. By now, everyone has figured out that there isn’t one blog post that will change your life – either by reading it or by writing it. Content consumers are skeptical of each piece of content that comes their way, & creators feel like there is little to be said that hasn’t been said before….