Coyte Cooper is a speaker, coach, & an Amazon best-selling author, as well as being a world-class athlete. In this episode, Coyte talks to Marcello about some of the life-lessons that he has learned through wrestling, & how he made the leap from being a professor of Marketing at UNC-Chapel Hill to having a thriving business today. His most recent book, Make Your Mark, outlines how you can achieve massive success & get to the next level. Most people spend their time drifting from thing to thing without purpose & energy, but Coyte shows you how to go “ollin” to achieve your dreams.
Resources from Coyte Cooper:
- Fundamentals of High Performance Course and Make Your Mark Monthly Club: Make Your Mark Academy
- Book: Make your Mark (affiliate link)
- Podcast: Earn the Right
Coyte’s Recommendations:
- Tony Robbins Podcast
- The Charged Life Podcast
- The Traveler’s Gift by Andy Andrews (affiliate link)
- The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho (affiliate link)
- The Go-Giver by Bob Burg and John David Mann (affiliate link)
How do you stay focused on a daily basis? Share it with us by tweeting @pushpullsales
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