In this week’s podcast, we discuss the importance of using a script when handling sales call. No, not an annoying, canned customer service type script; but you need to have a good idea of what you are going to say, & how you are going to say it.
- A script is not the same thing as a canned pitch
- Script depend heavily on how you deliver them
- They can help keep companies consistent
- Don’t forget the power of pauses
- Establish rapport right away
- Give the reason for the call immediately
- Include the benefits of what you are selling up front
- Focus on the value proposition
- Practice your script until it sounds natural
- Answer questions with questions
- Which scenarios to script out
- Go back to our Cold Calling podcast for even more info
Do you use scripting regularly? Tweet us @pushpullsales
*thanks to for our intro & outro music*
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